Tag: drawing Page 2 of 3

Organ Pipe Cactus with Flower

Doodle of the Day No. 91 created with .03 and .05 Markers by Miyuki Sena

Flower Heart

Doesn’t everyone think of acorns and pinecones when they think of matters of the heart?

Doodle of fish skeleton

Doodle 89

Got to brush up on my fish skeletons.

Series of cactus plants and cactus flowers by Miyuki Sena

Teddy Bear Cactus

A beautiful flower on a crown of thorns

Thought Doodle: Doodle of the Day text in Flower path

I was thinking…

Fuck this!

Untitled Illustration by Miyuki Sena of leaping dancer using a roller pen.

Doodle 86

My intention was to draw every day (in the morning) a doodle with ink so that when I drew it, it was down, no erasing, no sketching, but…

Doodle 83. Illustration by Miyuki Sena.

Doodle 83

Ode to Miro.

Doodle 35. Illustrated by Miyuki Sena. Pencil of leaves around a piller.

Doodle 35

Just the leaves  

Doodle of the Day 67. Illustrated by Miyuki Sena

Doodle 67

Just starting to work on doodling without thinking. First of many “framed” or “window box” drawings.

Doodle. Illustrated by Miyuki Sena

Alone in Roma

  Ball Point Pen doodle while in an alley. I heard someone playing piano and the music was flowing from the second floor. This was only way I…