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Gyroid of Miyuki Sena's creation Inspired by Animal Crossing

Ode to Animal Crossing’s gyroid

Pick enough fruit; catch enough fish and sell them to the shop keeper then buy yourself some furniture and a gyroid. There’s no trees that blow bubbles but…

chocolate covered Strawberries and other strange goings-on

Doodle 97

Not all doodles have to make sense. In fact, the most interesting drawings are the ones that make no sense at all. It’s just about line and the…

Winged Turtle with Claws Doodle art drawn with artist's marker by Miyuki Sena

TurDunken: A Daily Doodle by Miyuki Sena

Only a crazy artist’s mind could have conjured up a creature with wings, feathers, scales, tails, unicorn horn, wormy eyes, claws of—perhaps—a dragon, maybe a turtle shell, and…

Insomnia does strange things to your mind

Doodle with movement and speed

I try to remember to inject movement and “speed” into my doodles as I feel many drawings like this tend to be static and disjointed. This kind of…

Brocolli, Bamboo Shoots, and Wormy Roots That Possess the Evil Eyes

Evil Eye Doodle

Brocolli, Bamboo Shoots, and Wormy Roots That Possess the Evil Eyes. I shutter!

Dancing Panda performs fan dance: Illustrated by Miyuki Sena

Panda Ann Gives Birth to Healthy Shrimp While Fan Dancing… Doodle

Warped image I dreamed of a dancing panda giving birth to a shrimp. Even though I got it down on paper with black marker, the image is stuck…

Reflective Swans drawn with felt marker by Miyuki Sena

Swan Twins Doodle

I caught a glimpse of an odd flourishy art behind a dive bar on a travel channel.

Doodle 96 of sea creatures and plants

Doodle 96

Doodle of skeleton in man hole

Doodle 95

Saw something like this on the edge of the steps to a courthouse on some legal drama series.

Creatures I dream and Doodle awake.

Doodle 93

Love making monsters in a group. I try to make something each time.