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I love doing doodles where you can view it in more than one direction—a somewhat Escher-esque way of seeing things.
This is one of three pieces I finished Photoshop and printed postcards.
It’s weird for me since I love the life of seafood but I also like to eat it as well. It reminds me to be good to our…
The flying mouse seahorse was inspired from a crack in the bend of a sidewalk curb. I’m sure everyone saw it but only I put into ink.
Sometimes you just have no idea where a doodle is going and then it surprises you. This is such. It reminds me of an artist, or rather a…
Always something different. I seem to draw trees and tentacles. Even the style of this one is different then how I usually draw people. But it’s a doodle,…
Inspired by the animation “Princess Mononoke” tree spirits (kodama). They are creepyCute