Tag: marker

Doodle 114 Critters

Doodle of Critters and Things

Someone once said my doodle look like I’m Asian. Uh… that’s because I am. I’m certain that even if I wasn’t, my love for the Asian cultures, folk…

Organ Pipe Cactus with Flower

Aloe Plant Illustration

Aloe Plant

Botanical style drawings for work

Doodle of the Day No. 91 created with .03 and .05 Markers by Miyuki Sena

Flower Heart

Doesn’t everyone think of acorns and pinecones when they think of matters of the heart?

Doodle of fish skeleton

Doodle 89

Got to brush up on my fish skeletons.

Flower Heart by Miyuki Sena

Work in Progress Flower Heart

Swarmadillophant from Doodle. Illustrated by Miyuki Sena

Doodle 56 gone to finish

Drawn with black marker finished in Illustrator.  

Doodle 84. Illustrated by Miyuki Sena.

Doodle 84

I’m not a big fan of still life art but somehow this came out of my brain. I did Miyukisenarize it though.

Title: Octopus Two. From Doodle 77. Illustrated by Miyuki Sena with mxed media.

Doodle 77

If they lived longer, they would rule the world.